What factors are behind the recent increase in 2-D video games

backwards compatibility

I've noticed that recently there are considerably more 2-D games, especially of classic titles. Mario, DK, Kirby, and others for Nintendo, and no doubt other games for other platforms as well. What factors contributed to this increase of 2-D games in today's market?

Best Answer

Interesting question. I've actually been thinking a large factor is recent advances in 3D acceleration.

You may notice many of these games have 3D shapes, models or effects laid across a 2D plane. There's also an easier use of physics simulations thanks to 3D/2D interop.

Other considerable factors:

  • Development time of 2D games is often less for core functionality, allowing more time for all the bells and whistles to make very unique games.
  • Mobile games have caused an influx in 2D game developers which was followed up by an influx in mobile consoles, a favored 2D gaming platform.
  • "Classic Style" games with a 'new technology' feel are nostalgic for older gamers and generally pretty cool for everyone. New spins on old ideas.