Final Fantasy 15 – What Filters Are Available for Prompto to Use?


I can't seem to find a list online, so I was curious. I noticed that I have a few filters that aren't mentioned in this guide, like Vintage, Time, and Pop.

Are there any others? Where do I get them?

Best Answer

Prompto has 10 Photo Skills, 5 of which are filters. The Official Guide does not list any additional filters, however a few exist. I haven't personally been able to obtain more than the three you've already acquired.

enter image description here


  1. Roadtrip
  2. Memory
  3. Dawn
  4. Bloom
  5. Journey

Additional filters:

  • Pop

Gained by having the personal discussion with Prompto on the rooftop of the hotel in Longwyth

  • Time

Gained during the quest "A Place Called Home."

  • Vintage

Gained by camping at the site near Alstor Slough and following Prompto when he asks.

These can be adjusted in the Archives Menu under Filters. The player can set them to be used:

  • Random
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Never
