What fissionable metals other than Uranium and Plutonium can I trade in TradeWars


I would like to find a game where I can trade nuclear metals.

Tradewars looks pretty good for this.

What are the fissionable metals tradeable in TradeWars, as of this moment?

Best Answer

37coins. This is JP, co-author of TW. Thanks for the question.

TradeWars is a highly abstracted space trader. All commodities are lumped into Ore, Organics and Equipment, without any additional detail. At least for the classic game, that won't change. Classic TradeWars isn't intended to be a simulation. Combat is also highly abstracted. This distinguishes it from most space trader/combat simulation games, even those inspired by it. While I'm a big fan of realism in simulation (I currently work on Star Citizen writing the flight control systems for its ships), that's just not TradeWars.

In fact, if you're interested in a more realistic space trading/economics game, I'd recommend looking at Star Citizen. We're working on the economic/trading aspects of the game right now, and my good friend Pete Mackay, who was an avid TradeWars player, is currently fleshing out the commodity list. I'm assisting from the cargo-hauling side, where the economy intersects with flight mechanics, but won't have much influence beyond that.

Anyway, sorry I can't help with TW commodities. I don't think it's going to provide what you're looking for.

  • John Pritchett