What frames are essential to a rep farm


What frames are optimal to a rep farm? What frames will I need in order to better support my team?

Best Answer

The current meta is mandatory:

  • 1 x Trinity
  • 1 x Excal
  • 1 x Support Frame
  • 1 x Any Frame

Requirements for Trinity:

Trinity's role is to serve only two purposes. Instant heals, and instant energy. Abilities used are Energy Vampire and Blessing

  • Max Range
    • Overextended
    • Stretch
  • Energy Vampire
    • modded for minimum Duration
      • Fleeting Expertise
      • Transient Fortitude
  • Max Strength
    • Blind Strength
    • Intensify
    • Transient Fortitude

Requirements for Excal:

The main damage dealer. Radial Javelin is the only used ability here.

  • Max Range
    • Overextended
    • Stretch
  • Max Strength
    • Blind Strength
    • Intensify
    • Transient Fortitude
  • Cast Time
    • Natural Talent

Requirements for Support Frame:

  • Many frame choices are available that can boost Excal's damage
    • Rhino/Prime w/ Roar
    • Ember/Prime w/ Fireball Frenzy augment mod
      • Most optimal in a rep farm, as most rep farms involve fighting Grineer and Grineer are weak to fire
    • Frost/Prime w/ Freeze Force augment mod
    • Volt w/ Shock Trooper augment mod
    • Saryn w/ Venom Dose augment mod
    • An additional Excalibur frame

Requirements for Any Frame:

Ideally, popular choices include loot altering frames, like Nekros, because in a rep farm, there are a lot of enemies being killed every second, so it is the most ideal use of the 4th slot. Additionally, players will bring frames they need to level up, which also works. The ideal reason for a 4th player is to increase the enemy levels as well as increase the number of spawns.

As some people in the comments below have requested, why is there no Nova? Nova is a great damage amp frame. She can turn tough to kill enemies into swiss cheese easily. The issue here is that an Excal with max strength and range can kill enemies faster than it take Nova to molecular prime enemies. Excal is an instaneous AOE damage that homes in on enemies. Nova's Molecular Prime is a bubble that slowly expands outwards to be applied on opponents.

This makes Nova almost entirely useless. The 4th frame can be any frame, including frames to be levelled, but to be a part of a critical team it is not useful at all.

Another note. A common misconception is that Mirage is a viable support frame with the Total Eclipse augment. Unfortunately that is not the case, as that damage bonus only applies to weapon damage, as opposed to warframe damage (from abilities).