Metal Gear Solid Series – Best Play Order for Story Understanding


I've watched the entirety of MGS and only played MGS2 to completion, it was a while ago, and I can't recall the story making much sense. I played the third and fourth games for a bit but never finished them.

I do wish to "get" into the series, but it seems there are many games and most of them take place in different time and star different protagonists.

So my questions are: Which games should I play to better understand the series? Should I play only the "Solid" titles? (i.e. skip the old MSX ones, Acid, Rising) Should I play them by the series' chronology or by their release dates? Are only the numbered games important to understand the story? (i.e. skip Peace Walker/Portable Ops)

Also: Given the option, should I play Metal Gear Solid (PSX version) or the remake, The Twin Snakes? (story/continuity wise, if applicable)

Best Answer

Metal Gear Solid is notorious for being tricky to follow.

Probably the easiest approach is to go in order, MGS1-4. Some events in MGS1 call back to the MSX games, but MGS1 can also be read as attempting to remake those games. MGS3 is somewhat disconnected from the rest of the narrative, so it's not necessary to play it after the previous two games. Whichever way you play it, be prepared to not follow all of it - there's frequent allusions to events that you're not likely to know anything about, and this is part of the territory.

There are no plot differences lore-wise between Twin Snakes and MGS, so whichever is easier to access. The two games have a different script (Twin Snakes is a bit sillier) but Twin Snakes doesn't add in new dialogue to tie it to the later games better or anything like that.

There's also a compendium available on the PS3 that explains the lore a bit more.

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