What happened to the mini boss that flew in by eagle


I'm playing dark souls 2 and I've gotten to the part where I'm stuck in between the first mini boss of Cathedral of Blue and going to no man's wharf. What I've found out that I can skip no mans wharf together (my walk through is telling me about all this crap that I have to go through and there isn't even items that'd I want) but it also tells me of this other boss in forest of fallen giants, but I already skipped him by falling off the pedestal and now he will not respawn, please is no mans warf easy to get through or is it better to find a way to get the eagle boss to reappear and beat him. Or can I just altogether skip the boss and find the so called eagle nest? And if it's worth anything I'm a melee character and I've already defeated the Last Giant.

Best Answer

I think you are referring to the pursuer. He will appear to you in the forest of fallen giants first, (dropped off by an eagle) if you die, or skip it, he will appear at the top of the castle and this is one of the paths to No man's wharf (via the eagle). You CAN skip him and go to no man's wharf from beating the old dragonrider. You CAN skip No man's wharf but there are some good items and NPCs (a magic dealer and an NPC that BUYS your items for souls) so you might want to go through it. As far as ease, I wouldnt say no man's wharf is the hardest place, but you will die quite a bit (just like most areas). I think I saw that the pursuer also appears later in the Iron keep if you dont defeat him on top of the castle.