What happens if I get a free tank, when the garage is already full


After having played the beta back in the day, I returned after a long break, to see that my garage had changed. Some of my tanks had disappeared, and I had to buy them again. I also had a few new starter tanks, because WoT had introduced new lines. I assumed that WoT had removed some of my tanks to make room for the starter tanks.

However, after playing some more, WoT has given me a bunch or premium tanks as presents (most likely because I'm such a cool dude) – and I didn't see tanks disappearing. However, I do have 13 slots in my garage, which I'm fairly sure is more than standard.

So, my question is, when WoT hands out these free premium tanks during holidays or whatever, what happens if the garage is already chock full of metal cubes of death? Do they give you a new slot?

I am on the PC version.

Best Answer

You can buy additional garage slots for 300 gold apiece. According to multiple sources from the forums:

Website = Premium Tank + Garage Slot + 100% Crew

In-Game = Premium Tank + 100% Crew


Premium tanks you buy in the gift shop usually (never seen it without) come with a garage slot. If you add up the gold and money, you will see that if they are not on sale, you pay for the 300 gold for the garage slot as well compared to the in-game store. Sometimes, they throw in the garage slot for free in the gift shop. So, if you have other things to do with your in-game gold, compare prices before buying in-game if there is a bundle in the gift shop.


If you check out some of of their holiday bundles, they always come with a free garage slot for each tank.

Therefore it would only make sense that gifted freebie premium tanks come with this extra garage slot, and it comes with the slot regardless if you still have free slots.