What happens if the Pkunk aren’t “absorbed” by the Yehat


If you don't stop the Pkunk from flying into Yehat territory, the Pkunk disappear from the map and the Yehat claim they have been "absorbed". I've heard that triggering the Yehat rebellion before this happens avoids this unfortunate event. But in my game, the rebellion was already triggered (I'm pretty sure) when the Pkunk met the Yehat, and they were still "absorbed". I cut it pretty fine – the Pkunk were brushing up against Yehat territory when I triggered the rebellion, so I'm wondering if I missed the window of oppurtunity.

What exactly changes depending on whether you start the rebellion early enough or not?

Best Answer

The Pkunk-Yehat conflict can end in two ways. If the Captain presents the Yehat a living Shofixti, the Yehat Rebellion will break out and the Pkunk will be absorbed, seemingly vanishing, only to return in the last moment as an integral part of their combined civilizations.

If the Captain fails to do so, the Pkunk are eradicated by the Yehat.

Sources: 1, 2

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