What happens if your element doesn’t match the Colosseum’s type


I am trying to figure out how type affects the outcomes of the Colosseum. I always try to enter a dragon of the type that is asked for for the event but this time around they wanted a Metal dragon and I do not have one of those yet (I am too low of a level). So this has raised the question of how your type affects the outcome of the Colosseum.

As far as I can see you can send a single element dragon of the same type, an off type or an opposing type. Alternately you could send a hybrid dragon that could contain the type and off types or conflicting types or no matching types and just off or conflicting types.

Does the dragon choice really have any impact on this? Is this just random like breeding (not including rare dragons) as to what the outcome will be or can some thought be put into this to alter the outcome?

Best Answer

You are more likely to get higher scores if your element matches rather than opposes the arena's element. I put a plant in fire and got bronze, plant in plant and got gold. I believe that is the only difference.

I looked it up before too because I had a similar question. I did not find much on this actually, so I tested it myself and that outcome was always mis-match = bronze or silver match = silver or gold. (I unfortunately decided to test this after all my dragons were level 7, not 10 yet but all were at least 7 so many came out silver either way).