What happens to Highpool if you save Ag Center first


My squad had just dealt with Highpool, and when Kate briefed me on the matters I realized that a desert with lots of oasis probably needs less mutant plants more than a small dam. The radio transmission says that Highpool is expecting Skorpion backup, do they actually appear in Highpool if I choose Ag Center instead?

Best Answer

Since you cannot save both Highpool and Ag Center at least one of them will be destroyed. Which one you save is up to you and is supposed to be a tough moral choice, but also about which additional character you'd like to have (Rose in Ag Center, Vulture's Cry in Highpool or none).

You can, however, let both get destroyed. I'm not sure about the conditions, whether you simply have to wait a long time (in my experience, time passing rarely has any influence on the quests) or whether you have to visit both places and then leave.