What, if any, are the differences between the UK and North American versions of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix in the 2.5 HD Remix

kingdom-hearts-2.5-remixkingdom-hearts-birth-by-sleepversion differences

What, if any, are the differences between the UK and North American versions of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix in the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix?

I'm not asking about like packaging or different cover art or anything like that—are there any actual differences within the game itself, (gameplay, cutscenes, items, Unversed, colour schemes, just anything at all within the actual game) or are they exactly the same?

Best Answer

I live in the US and have to North American version. In mine auto-starts on English but I do have the option to change it to German, French, Spanish or Italian voice over or subs. So I don't believe there is any differences.