What, if anything, can I do with the “progessive” man in the Lansdowne Residence


I'm wandering around in the Lansdowne Residence, and upon reaching the lowest floor, I came across a man who doesn't seem to want to attack me. He claims to be a "Progressive", whatever that is.

I could shoot him and go through his pockets for loose change, but that seems rude.

Is there something I'm supposed to do with this guy, or is he just there for scenery?

Best Answer

This guy is just there for flavor, and I believe he's referring to the fact that he's "for" the Vox Populi. He's a civilian, and as I've noted previously you can murder civilians with impunity, although they are very unlikely to give you any loot.

Later there is another residence you can pass through with more of these progressives, who appear to be harboring some wounded workers or Vox members. There's a tutorial popup about "violence" perhaps not being the only answer here. If you spare these folks, they'll send away a police patrol that knocks on their door after a few seconds. Otherwise, the police will burst in when they hear shooting or when nobody responds.

However, the police patrol hangs out outside, and you'll have to fight them eventually. The overall choice here is relatively minor.