What item drops can I get


What are all the types of items I can get in a drop? Can knives drop in game? Can StatTrak weapons drop in game?

Can I get key drops in game? I heard that you can get key drops as well.

Best Answer

For item drops, it boils down to 5 categories:

  1. Weapons
  2. Cases & Capsules
    • There are always 3-5 cases in rotation in the item drop system
    • As new cases come in, old cases are phased out.
    • Some cases are for Operation pass-holders
      • For instance, the current operation is called Operation Breakout, with a case called Operation Breakout Case
      • This means that the Operation Breakout Case will drop for only for Operation Breakout pass holders
    • Older Operation drops are available to anyone, but this usually up to Valve's discretion
      • The previous Operation, Operation Phoenix, had it's own case specific for its own passholders, called the Operation Phoenix Case
      • The Operation Phoenix case used to be only for passholders, but can now be received as an item drop by anyone
    • Sticker Capsules can drop
    • Exclusive Sticker Capsules cannot drop. For example, the Katowice 2014 Challengers capsule (had to be bought in-game)
  3. Missions
    • This was introduced in Operation Breakout
    • Missions WILL not drop for players without the Operation Breakout Pass
    • Completing a mission will give you a weapon drop from 3 specific collections:
  4. Souvenir Packages

    • There are sometimes tournaments that come around that Valve designs Souvenir packages for. By linking your CS:GO account to a Twitch account or GOTV account, you can watch matches and have a chance to receive a Souvenir Package after a match ends
    • It doesn't matter if you've paid for a ton of skins for the game or never spent a cent on the game, you can get Souvenir packages regardless.
  5. Graffiti

    • Valve released a new update to CS:GO. It include graffiti/spray as well as other fixes. Most of them are Paid Sprays.
      • However, you can still get a basic spray as an item drop.