What makes the 1D Fuel Scoop superior to the 1E Fuel Scoop


I'm looking to purchase my first fuel scoop, and I have a few options available to me given my current financial situation. One thing that has me really confused, though, is the pricing between the 1E and 1D fuel scoops. As far as I can tell the 1E is superior to the 1D, due to it consuming less energy and having higher integrity, but it costs significantly less and is a lower rating.

I feel as if I must be greatly misunderstanding what some of these attributes means, because the pricing and rating between these two items just doesn't make any sense at all.

What am I missing or misunderstanding that makes the 1D scoop superior to the 1E?

enter image description here

1D Fuel Scoop

Best Answer

This seems to be a rounding artifact of the shop UI displaying the rate as metric tons/second instead of the actual scoop rate of kg/second.

In the case of the 1E and 1D scoops, the rates are 18 kg/s and 24 kg/s, which both unfortunately round to 0.02 tons/s with the number of decimal places shown. So the 1D scoop does have a marginally better scoop rate, at the cost of additional power consumption (and credits).