What maneuvers can be employed to shake a jet from the six


Say I'm in a jet and start getting pinged by the machine gun fire of a jet directly behind me. He has me in his cockpit view and without some serious flying…I'm dead.

  • What specific maneuvers make it difficult for the enemy pilot to
    follow, and would allow me to shake him?
  • What specific maneuvers make it difficult for the enemy pilot to hit me even if he can
  • What, more generally, can I do to increase my chances of survival?

Best Answer

One of the easiest moves to do is:

  • Brake hard (but not so hard that you stall)
  • Roll left or right so that you're somewhere between 45-80 degrees off horizontal.
  • Pitch upwards hard (if your flying controls are reversed, you'd be 'pulling back on the stick' at this point)
  • Max the throttle and afterburners (making sure that the path forward is clear)

This will quickly take you out of an enemy pilot's field of vision. If you continue the slow turn, and they don't immediately chase you, you'll be in a good position to get around behind them. You can also do various rolls or loops, or combat maneuvers, but since this is a video game, realistically what you want to do is change your course frequently. Even small course changes can really hurt the accuracy of other players. Matching speed can also be tricky in dogfighting, so change your speed up frequently.

Also remember that their focus is going to be on you and your focus is on flying - so challenge their flying skill by flying low to the ground or near obstacles. They'll have to choose between trying to keep you in their sights and avoiding a crash.