What methods are there to to regain sanity


As the game progresses, my sanity disappears. Usually slowly, but often times quite rapidly. Try as I might, I can't seem to find a method of regaining sanity in a sustainable manner.

Picking flowers seems to return a miniscule amount of sanity. But I can't seem to find enough to really make a dent in the sanity bar.

What other methods are there to regain sanity?

Best Answer

There are a lot of ways to regain sanity. Excluding the Hallucination-killing ones, that require you to lose sanity due to the Insanity aura, here are some powerful ways that let you recover quickly:

These are quite easy to do, and more powerful than any food-eating or flower-picking method.

Anyway, for a complete list of Sanity recovering methods you can head to the Sanity page on the wiki.