Battlefield 1 – What Points Go Towards Soldier Levels and Class Levels in Battlefield 1?


In Battlefield 1, your soldier levels up based upon total points achieved during the round. However, I noted that the individual classes level up much slower.

What points or actions apply points toward your class levels (assault, scout, medic, support) vs your overall soldier level?

Best Answer

As far as I know, the same experience is applied to both your class level and your overall soldier level (online player rank). The difference is caused by the difference in the total number of levels and experience.

Player Rank goes up to 100, and requires 20,000,000 total experience.

Class level goes up to 10, and according to a Reddit thread, the required experience is close to 45,000, but varies according to the class.

Assault 50K
Medic 45K
Support 50K
Scout 30K
Pilot 25K
Tanker 60K
Cavalry 35K