What ships can Marine Frigates capture in Homeworld 2


There is a remastered version of both Homeworld games and it seems like there have been some changes. If I remember correctly, very few enemy ship types could be captured using Marine Frigates in the original Homeworld 2. I'm now replaying the Remastered version and having trouble capturing a Vaygr Carrier in mission 3. Posts on the internet confirm this is not just me. Before I invest in Marine Frigates, which ships are known to be capturable, and which are not?

Best Answer

In the HW2:RM (and original HW2) campaign, you can't capture enemy production units (carriers, facilities, motherships etc). Destroyers and hyperspace gates and I think resourcing units too are all fair game though. Also I don't think you can capture corvettes or smaller but I'm not 100% sure on that.

Finally, unlike HW1/HW1:RM, you can't capture units above your unit cap.