What statement means max friendship


What does the girl in Laverre City say when the happiness is maxed out?

When I talk to her she says:

Its amazingly friendly toward you! It must be so happy spending every day with you!

I'm assuming that means max friendship but not sure.

Best Answer

This answer applies to older versions. I'll still keep it since many google searches may refer here in the future.

Yes, you can't get any better response, though it does not really mean that you have reached the total maximum (255).

And here is the whole list of possible responses:

  • It doesn't seem to like you at all. It looks mean. => 0-69
  • You should treat it better. It's not used to you. => 70-99
  • It's quite cute. => 100-149
  • It's friendly toward you. It looks sort of happy. => 150-199
  • I get the feeling that it really trusts you. => 200-219
  • It looks really happy! It must love you a lot. => 220-255

More about friendship.