What stats are best suited to a shortbow/longbow weilding Ranger


In Guild Wars 2, like any other MMO, there are a variety of stats including the basics such as 'Vitality', 'Armour' and 'Critical Chance'. There are also some more unique ones that don't normally appear in MMOs like 'Condition Damage', 'Precision', etc.

I am currently playing a Ranger, and I use short bows and long bows. I am also in the process of creating myself some exotic gear using the Leatherworking crafting discipline, so I was wondering what stats would most benefit a Ranger playing with bows?

Best Answer

I've built my Ranger on a 'Glass Cannon' spec, built around bleeding as a condition, with matching traits.

I've stacked Power, Precision and Condition Damage as my primary stats.

I detailed my thoughts on my blog.