What strategy can I use to beat Isaac


I'm trying to finally get myself over the Binding of Isaac, and I fear that won't happen until I've beaten the chest level with a few more characters. The problem is that I find it remarkably difficult to beat Isaac without sheer luck (that expresses itself as awesome items during the run).

While I am well versed in Isaac's attack patterns, I fail to see how I can take advantage of them. His attacks are simply all over the place and he is blessed with an annoyingly dense health bar.

Does anyone have a strategy that can make the fight easier?

Best Answer

As is most things in the game, your items will tell you how you should approach your strategy against Isaac. I've had bomb tears, lazers, rapid fire tears, etc. and took a very different approach each time.

General hints:

For Isaac's first form he shoots 12 radial tears. You are safe just above or below the room's center left/right (see this video). He also shoots retaliatory tears in an arc like the blood tears Monstro shoots, some might go short, some might go over you, so look for the shadows to where to dodge them. I generally just keep spinning in circles around Isaac shooting him and dodge the shadows when necessary.

His second form he shoots homing purple tears and shoots tears when hit. Again, circle around him, dodging tears when necessary.

When he starts spawning the angel babies (3rd form) that's when I usually pull out my consumables. Use your death card, my little unicorn, bombs, etc. Use em if you got em!

Also, since Isaac pauses between active attacks, it's possible to drop bombs around him with relative safety while circling him. This has an added bonus of possibly killing some of the spawned baddies he creates in his 3rd form.

Wiki link: Isaac (Boss)