What techniques can I use to reduce loading times


Since the introduction of the new Lions Arch, it seems to take much longer for me to zone into this map. I'm talking at least 2-3 minutes. I don't recall the loading times being this long.

What techniques can I use to help speed up my loading times?

Best Answer

This is more of a hardware solution than a software one, but after performing upgrades similar to the ones I am about to suggest I saw notable load time improvements on games, Guild Wars 2 included.

Installing on an SSD/SSHD (SSD HDD Hybrid) is a viable option.

Although SSDs at the size you would probably require are quite pricey, a good quality SSHD is usually not much more expensive than it's HDD counterparts.

If budget is a larger factor for you HDD that run at 7200rpm are on par with a lot of SSHDs and are available at a slightly lower price.