What triggers the Behemoth train on Sinai Desert


During conquest games on Sinai Desert, a armored train will occasionally spawn for 1 team.

I have only seen it spawn for the opposing team so far, once at the last minute of the game and once around 10 left.
At first i thought you had to control all or a specific map point to trigger it, but that has proven false in my experience.

Best Answer

Behemoths spawn at most once per map. They are given to the loosing team to "help turn the tide of the battle".

A Behemoth is a special vehicle meant to give an advantage to a losing team to help them close the ticket gap between them and their enemies.

What exactly triggers them isn't 100% clear, though it's rumored that it's based on time and ticket gap.

Behemoths may appear during Conquest or Operations matches. A Behemoth will spawn once a certain criteria is met and players will have the option to spawn into it on death. Should the criteria not be met, the vehicle may not spawn. In the alpha build, the behemoth appeared midway into a Conquest match, was automatically destroyed two minutes before the end of the round, and did not respawn for the remainder of the round. In the open beta, the behemoth remains to the end of the round.