Clash Royale – Best Troops to Counter a Giant Skeleton


I keep facing people with Giant Skeletons and I haven't found a way to effectively deal with them. A lot of the troops have rather low hit points, so I tend to have to use several troops to kill it, but any that are alive after killing it tend to die when the bomb goes off.

So, what are effective cards to deal with a Giant Skeleton?

Best Answer

If you're at or above Pekka's Playhouse then including an Inferno Tower in your deck may help you counter this easily if you're seeing a lot of the Giant Skeleton. Due to its nature this is actually true with any high HP targets, but it works really nicely against the Giant Skeleton because it means you don't have to sacrifice troops to his bomb.

Alternatively, if you can distract him with a low cost building like a Tombstone, attacking him with faster units like minions will allow them to leave the area before the bomb goes off. The Giant Skeleton will run off the path to attack a Tombstone or other unit that is coming at him, so kite him away from your Crown Towers and isolate that bomb!