What unlocks the ability to build a workshop


I've been playing on Classic and one thing I've found is that I need to get a jump start on Satellite Uplinks so that I can keep the panic level under control. However, to build them, I need 10 engineers, and I only start with 6. I can't always afford to take the first abduction mission that offers +4 engineers, because often there are high-panic countries that I need to head to instead.

I've noticed that eventually the workshop unlocks and I can build it to get the engineers I need, but I don't know exactly what triggers it. I'd like to know, because if it's something I can control, it means I can get Satellite Uplinks going more quickly.

Best Answer

Just to correct some mis-information in this question and responses: A classic Game (without the tutorial) starts you with 5 engineers + 5 scientists.

For both the workshop and laboratory, they require 6 engineers /scientists to unlock them for construction.

If you don't feel you can take the first 4 engineer (or scientist if your rushing the laboratory) mission that pops up, then rely on your second satellite to pick up an African or Asian country to get the +1 engineer bonus if you have set up in North/South America/Europe, giving you the required 6 engineers for the start of month 2. (For the lab, the opposite is true, place a satellite in North/South America/Europe).

I would say that getting the first 4 engineer mission is more helpful than controlling the panic levels however, allowing you to focus on something more beneficial such as the officer training school ^^