What’s the advantage of the M249 over the Negev


Seems like there's no real reason to get the M249. The Negev, only slightly more expensive than the M249, gets a crazy fire-rate, crazy accuracy from the first burst, and much more ammo per magazine.

Is there any reason to pick the M249 over the Negev then? I find it very hard to pick the M249 over the Negev, only when I'm running extremely low on money, and even then, it feels much worse than reliable ones like the AWP or the AK/M4

Best Answer

According to the wiki pages of Negev and M249, the advantages of M249 over Negev are:

  • Slightly higher armor penetration(80 vs. 75)
  • Better accurate range(22m vs. 18m)

But there are some disadvantages as well:

  • Slower rate of fire(750rpm vs. 1000rpm)
  • Lower damage(32 vs. 35)
  • Less ammo(100 vs. 150)

And they are par on the following specs:

  • Reload speed(5.7 sec)
  • Running speed(195 ups)
  • Kill reward(150%)

From my personal experience the only advantage of M249 over Negev is accuracy on long(er) ranges and much less recoil(however, none of them has decent recoil, both shoot pretty much anywhere except for where you aim when you shoot full auto).