cookie-clicker – What Is the Aura for Cookie Clicker’s Krumblor the Cookie Dragon?


I've unlocked a dragon cookie in Cookie Clicker. What's the best aura to use at each stage of game play?

Best Answer

A lot of this will depend on which auras you have available, and whether or not you are actively clicking the golden/wrath cookies that appear.

If you've gotten them all and unlocked the second aura from sacrificing 200 of each building, and are actively clicking cookies, then using Dragonflight and Radiant Appetite can provide a lot of cookies.

If you are letting the game go, then Radiant Appetite and Breath of Milk will provide a lot of cookie production.

If you only have one aura slot (have not sacrificed 200 of each building), then Dragonflight when actively playing, and Radiant appetite when you are not would probably be most effective. If you have not yet gotten Radiant Appetite, then Breath of Milk will probably be your best bet.

Note you can always switch and aura if you decide to play passively or actively, but it will cost you one of the most expensive building you have purchased.

Finally, if you are about to ascend, it could be worth switching an aura to Earth Shatterer, and sell all your buildings for the extra cookies, especially if you have the chocolate egg waiting to be upgraded from the Easter season.

Here are some reddit posts of people discussing this topic: