What’s the best way to collect (Farm) equipment (weapons) in X-Com


Sometimes, you are able to collect a weapon from an alien "without a scratch" on it, afterwards being able to use it in your unites without cost (when you have the technology to build it already, of course). The ways I know to collect alien weapons are the following:

  • Kill an Alien while he is in your mind control.
  • Stun an Alien and bring him with you.

But, what's the best way to collect (farm) those weapons? There are other ways, besides the two from above, to get weapons without cost?

Best Answer

Getting a mind-controlled alien killed or stunning one are the only ways to get their weapons. Mind-controlled aliens dying impacts your squad's morale as if one of your operatives had died, which makes them more prone to panic and less successful at further psi attacks; while stunning aliens is risky, can only be done a limited number of times and requires the use of an equipment slot, but can be done much earlier than mind control. I tend to favor mind control, especially at the end of a mission, where the will penalty will be felt less.