The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine – Cheapest Way to Obtain Enriched Dimeritium Ingots and Plates


So I've got my grandmaster diagrams and I'm ready to craft grandmaster weapons and armour.

The thing is, enriched dimeritium plates and ingots is absurdly expensive to buy from the grandmaster blacksmith.

Is there anywhere I can find it (or the parts to craft it) for free?
Is there another merchant that'll sell it cheaper?

Thank you in advance and please answer as spoiler free as possible.

Best Answer

The only direct answer to your question about how to get this stuff for free is "random loot", but I know that answer is extremely unsatisfying. So let me enlighten you about a technique I've developed when dealing with the crafters of arms, armors & advanced runestones.

Wealth Recovery

  1. Every time you deal with a group of bandits, deserters, etc. you come away with an impressive wealth of arms & armor.
  2. Very few vendors are capable of liquidating significant quantities of this wealth outright, but never fear, this is where your stash comes into play. Save this crap for later.
  3. When you need something expensive crafted, In addition to bringing along cash and materials, retrieve a pile of junk arms or armor from you stash.
  4. Purchase crafted items or additional materials. Feel free to have the materials you need crafted from lower quality materials. FWIW: Deconstructing Dimeritium Shackles will cost less than purchasing the glowing ore outright.
  5. Sell junk to recover your wealth and to absorb much of the vendors starting wealth.
  6. Repeat as required.

Never leave a smith with more cash than he started with.

Blood & Wine addendum

Since you are looking to craft Grand Master gear, you are apparently playing the Blood & Wine expansion. I've noted that once you clear out the camp of the bandit chief in the center of the northern border of the map, it is repopulated with troops & a very wealthy armorer. Feel free to dump vast quantities of junk on him to claim his cash.