What’s the deal with Influence Gain in Dungeon Siege 3


I'm curious about what kind of benefits there are for having high influence over your party members in Dungeon Siege 3. Certain decisions I make in game cause an 'influence gain' with my comrades. Now, I have a feel for which options will give my teammates that boost so I've been structuring my decision making in order to meet their standards. I'm wondering if it is worth it for me to continuing playing this way. I found this bit of information in the help topics under the 'Companions' tab:

'Companions are party members that will help you throughout your journey. As you travel with your companions, you will gain influence with them, unlocking special bonuses.'

There's no explanation given beyond that. So my question is – what kind of special bonuses can I expect?

Best Answer

Gaining influence with allies will go towards earning deeds with each: you receive a deed for earning 25%, 50%, and 75% influence with a specific ally.

At each of these milestones, you gain a number of points in a specific attribute associated with an ally:

  • Lucas: Stamina
  • Anjali: Attack
  • Katarina: Agility
  • Reinhart: Will
  • 25% influence: 2 points
  • 50% influence: 3 points
  • 75% influence: 5 points

These gains are cumulative, so you can gain a maximum of 10 points in an attribute this way.