What’s the difference between Vanguard Marks and Vanguard Reputation


I'm level 19 and have just turned in a few bounties that say they include Vanguard Reputation, and was confused because the Vanguard total displayed on the Bounty Tracker screen wasn't reflecting the bounty rewards. Then I noticed it's because that total is for Vanguard Marks. So what's the difference between the two?

Best Answer

Vanguard Reputation is just a barrier to allow you to purchase the Purple Gear from your class vendor. The Purple Gear requires you to be at least Level 2 Reputation, so farm those Bounties.

You use Vanguard Marks to actually buy the items - so farm those Strikes!

Think of Vanguard Reputation as your credit score, you need it high enough to qualify for a mortgage. You spend your Vanguard Marks on the downpayment. :)