What’s the fastest way to earn XP


In Dead Island, I want to hit the level cap as fast as possible to get as many skills as possible, to get more money whereas constituent parts remain the same price, to get weapons that I won't be ditching in a few levels, etc.. What's the fastest way to do this?

Best Answer

There are several ways: alter game files, redo challenges, play in someone else's game, repeatedly turn in continuous events, and/or repeatedly break zombie arms. I'm assuming that these options may be faster than simply playing through the game.

  • To get it out of the way, repeatedly breaking the same zombie's arm(s) was patched out, according to TheVoid (SDA). This may still be viable if you are not on the latest patch (1.3).
  • As spartacus commented and kotekzot answered, your save file can be edited to award you more skill points.
  • Anonymous claims that challenges can be exploited to earn XP from completing the same challenge over and over.
    "1. Get a challenge up to where its about to finished. 2. switch to a character you want to give the XP to. 3. finish the challenge. 4. IMMEDIATELY turn off the game without getting a check-point. 5. turn on the game. 6. Repeat steps 3-6." - http://deadisland.wikia.com/wiki/Forum:Power_leveling_glitch
  • If you're playing in someone else's game and the host is a higher level than you or has progressed further, there'll be enemies that are higher level than you. They will not be higher level than you if you have the enemy-level-adjustment option turned on. Higher level enemies means more XP from their defeat.
  • Continuous events means those neverending side-quests where you can interact with the quest-giver to give them a constituent part or stackable that they seek, and they reward you with a different item, XP, and/or cash. These combined with a convenient source of sought item (read: duplication) makes for fast XP.
    I usually use Svetlana in the Time for Booze continuous event out at the north-east corner of the resort, over-the-water bungalows. I suspect Blood Compound is also fast, assuming a correlation between rarity of parts and size of XP reward, and that the Wiki article I linked to claims that it rewards more XP than Time for Booze. However, the XP reward scales.