What’s the fastest way to rile up an angry, murderous mob to poison for Mosh Pit


For the achievement Mosh Pit, I have to poison 10 guards at once. I attempted this last night by breaching the palace walls and having 3 sets of Janissaries attack me at the same time. Despite flinging Desura bombs as if they were full of candy, I didn't manage to get 10 of the poisoned at once.

One of the other achievements also requires that I have a group of 5 guards injured by caltrops and then scaffold'ed, which seems somewhat similar in that I need a whole mess of guards in a relatively confined space.

What's a good way to get a whole bunch of guards together, and what's the best way to get them all poisoned at once?

Best Answer

The cherry bombs are used for diversion, and are intended to grab the guards attention. They will follow the sound and gather around the area where one explodes.

I've found the best spot to get 10+ together for Most Pit is in the southwest corner of the map near an arch. By the arch are at least 12 guards. You can sit on top of it, throw a cherry bomb to get their attention, wait for them to gather, and then throw a poison bomb. Video here: