What’s the life expectancy


I've fabricated a claim on a petty kindom, spending all my gold and a little bit more.

Now, I've quickly recovered and I'm no longer <0, but before attacking I'd like to have some spare gold, just in case I need to hire some extra thugs, so I'd wait till I have 450-500.

Problem is, I'm 51, and 10g/months means I'll have to wait ~4 years, and since this claim is not inherited unless pressed into war… what's my life expectancy?

If I instead declare war but just do not attack, it is reasonable to expect him to just sit there and do nothing?

Some facts:

  • I'm cathar, and the rest of Ireland isn't, but so far this hasn't been a problem as long as I've attacked counts without allies
  • he has a couple of allies in Wales, which might or might not join, and that's the main reason why I'd like to have some spare gold
  • he has a single county so if he doesn't manage to get some help, I'm pretty certain I'll just win

Best Answer

Maximum life expectancy is up around 80 I believe, but the odds are against you getting there. As you play the game, at certain intervals the game makes a random number and compares it to your health, with a modifier for age, along with any visible effects that alter health. If the random number is greater, you die (of poor health if young, a natural death if old, or whatever disease or injury you currently have). The odds are very good a character in his 50s will pass this check so long as he isn't maimed, weak or diseased. In your 60s the odds start to get a little worse, in your 70s the odds start to get fairly long. On the average, most healthy characters who don't spend much time leading troops die a "natural death" in their mid to late 60s. Assuming you're healthy I'd wait the 4 years and declare war then.

When you declare a war after going a few months without you capturing any holdings the game gives the defender a slow trickle of war score. This appears under the title of "Defender controls [Title]". If you declare a war and do nothing the war will eventually begin to swing in your enemies favor just by virtue of this trickle. Of course, if only want a year of income this bonus will disappear the instant you capture one of his holdings and have no long-term impact. The target may do nothing, then again he may rally his levies and send them to try and begin capturing your holdings, thus preventing you from raising your levies in the first place. Also, he may be use this time to call allies. With them in Wales, this would give him plenty of time for their troops to arrive.


  • As long as you are fighting by way of claim wars, the only risk being Cathar adds is that his potential allies see you as a heretic and thus like you less. If you start Holy Warring, you'll be in for a world of hurt.
  • Wales is enough distance from Ireland that his relation would need to be in fairly good shape to get their aid in war. But it is not unreasonable to think it could happen.