What’s the maximum possible Attack/Defense/Light level for Year 2 with TTK


Destiny 2.0 and The Taken King brought many changes to how Light, Armor, Weapons, and other gear affect your Level and combat effectiveness. Some of the most pertinent changes are:

  • Level no longer dependent upon Light, and therefore no longer dependent upon Armor.
  • Level advancements are through earning XP only.
  • Light still affects combat effectiveness (damage dealt/taken) and certain missions or difficulty selections will require or recommend a minimum Light value.
  • Light is (approximately) an average of the Attack/Defense values of all your equipped gear (Armor/Weapons/etc.).
  • Maxed Year 1 gear ("365" Weapons, fully-upgraded Legendary/Exotic Armor) now have Attack/Defense ratings of 170.
  • Level cap raised to 40.
  • Year 2 gear can have Attack/Defense well above 170, even down at the Common level.

Given all this, I'm now wondering: What's the new "level 34" or "365"? Under the new mechanics, this boils down to: What's the highest Attack/Defense rating for Year 2 equipment?

Best Answer

The light "level" of your character is an average of your gear's light.

For this reason, at level 34 when everyone only had 170 gear the "cap" was 170. Now, for the same reason, the cap of gear's light level will be the cap of player light level.

I have seen prior that the new Trials of Osiris lighthouse gear will be given out fully maxed at 310. This leads me to believe that 310 is the cap for gear, and by relation 310 would be the light level cap.

As the release was only yesterday, there is obviously going to be more information to come, but for now this is as close as possible.

List of Taken King known gear
Video of several 310 Trials pieces along with other new gear
310 Auto Rifle Doctrine of Passing (Adept)destinyDB "Death is the best teacher"


After playing for some more time, here is the breakdown.

Non raid gear, even blues and legendaries, will only drop with a cap of 300.

In order to reach this pre raid level, it is best to identify your items from the cryptarch one item at a time, ensuring to equip it as you go if it is a higher light level - this will affect future light levels in identified engrams.

In general, the raid is very smooth with a light level of 295.

So if you do not raid, your light level will cap at 300. In order to reach the 310 gear the raid must be completed or attempted. At which point, a full 310 set would place your guardian at 310 which is the overall cap.

Now with hardmode out dropping 320, and Trials gear dropping 320, the cap is at 320 light. Some surmise that it is not possible to reach without an Artifact however this is incorrect. As the light level of your character is an average, if you never get an artifact that slot is not included in the average. The result is that several people have taken advantage of this and reached 320 already. There is probably something to be said for a tradeoff of stats (lost int,disc,str) but it is possible and achieved at present.