What’s the most efficient way to replace old locomotives in OpenTTD


I have a bunch of trains transporting coal back and forth and I wanted to know what's the most effective way to replace a locomotive when it expires.

Right now I tell it to stop at the depot, sell it, buy the new one, and tell it to go again (by telling it to stop at the depot for maintenance if necessary). It is a bit painful if you have 10 trains to replace. Is there a better way to do it?

Best Answer

There is an option to autoreplace trains when they go for servicing. Go to the Trains menu and select the 'Replace vehicles' button (this is also possible for all other types of vehicles)

Then choose the train you have currently and its replacement, and select the 'Start Replacing Vehicles' option to start autoreplacement.

When all vehicles are replaced the old vehicle in the autoreplace list will be greyed out, and you can choose 'Stop Replacing Vehicles' to remove it from the list.