What’s the point in assembling imperial resources after the update


After the update, imperial resources cost credits to create but the reward is far less than the amount it will cost to assemble all the resources. For example, one assignment would require over 1,700,000 credits but the reward is only 30,000. So what is the point in assembling resources if you're just losing all your money?

Best Answer

Completing Imperial Resources to complete the Imperial tasks does earn you Bux, Coins, and the occasional VIP.

I make them constantly on all floors so that, hopefully, when I complete one task, the next one can be completed immediately with stock on hand.

When initially released, the rewards for tasks was less than the cost to build the items total but it has since been rebalanced making it worthwhile to complete the tasks... with the cost update recently, it's out of whack again but, hopefully, they will rebalance to make the reward better again.