What’s the point in choking enemies in Metal Gear Solid 4


I've never played any of the Metal Gear Solid games before and I think I've just made the mistake of jumping straight into MGS4 without a clue. It seems that a few minutes after choking out a guard, he gets back up and immediately calls in reinforcements, so I'm wondering what's the point in choking them out in the first place – wouldn't it be better to find another way past an enemy or just outright kill him, and if so, why is there an option to choke them in the first place?

Also, should I even bother playing the game non-lethally during my first playthrough? Is there any way to permanently keep enemies down without killing them or am I playing the game wrong?

Best Answer

I don't believe there are any overt game bonuses for playing lethally vs. non-lethally, but there are many intangibles based on playthrough. There are badges you get at the end of the game based on how you played, for instance, whether you destroyed everything in your path or were silent and stealthy. There are also specific things you can obtain if you defeat certain bosses non-lethally. (Again, with no actual bonuses.)

It's been a while since I played, but from what I remember, if you put them down non-lethally and got yourself far enough away before they woke up, no help would get called, or at least it would get called to a place I wasn't at.

As to why it's there...it's to let you play in the style you wish.