What’s the point of attaching rapid fire to a submachine gun


Has anyone found rapid fire for an SMG beneficial at all? Has it increased your KTD ratio at all or made any benefit to your game play?

Best Answer

Overall I don't think it is that useful due to the huge disadvantage of using up all your ammo way faster. However, this could be offset by using the Scavenger perk.

There are some benefits to it though, depending on the game mode and style of play. In Normal, you have the benefit of getting more hits on your opponents quickly, so a better chance of taking them out before they get a shot on you. In Hardcore, you get an advantage of sending more shots there way so a better chance of getting a quick spray kill. In either case it would be good to have Sleight of Hand (if you are an accurate shot w/quick reflexes) or Steady Aim (if you are a 'spray and pray' on the run player).

You're Kill To Death ratio largely depends on experience, skill, and smart play. It is hard to credit it towards any single Attachment, Weapon or Perk. But I have never heard anyone say they couldn't get by without having Rapid Fire on their SMG.