What’s the point of the Quad Rocket alt-fire


I'm at Gen 4 so have to use the Quad Rocket to head to 5, and I have no clue why anyone would ever use the alt-fire (zoom) mode. The rockets simply seem to travel slower, and in a larger spread. Against ground targets they smear out and maybe one rocket will hit near a grunt, and against Titans they become extremely easy to dodge.

Is that it, or is there some other subtle effect I'm not picking up on? In what situations is the alt-fire mode advantageous?

Best Answer

Yes, I think that's the point: you can make a narrow cone of denying fire at medium range, plus you can reload while then slower rockets are still travelling ─ basically you can block a titan-width corridor. No-one can enter without getting hit, and travel towards you will get them pummeled with rockets.

This has some defensive use. Not much, I admit, but I think that's the point of the mode.