When am I ready to face a Dungeon


I was told that, having only just started the game, I wasn't ready for Special Dungeons, with the implication that I would be defeated easily, rather than that I would be unable to explore them at all, as per Special Dungeons with special requirements. I'm looking at "Friday Dungeon" which contains three sub-Dungeons:

  • Shrine of Spirits (Stamina: 10, Battles: 5),
  • Sky Prison-Mythical (Stamina: 50, Battles: 4), and
  • Shrine of Spirits-Expert (Stamina: 25, Battles: 5).

Tha last Normal Dungeon that I have faced is Dungeon of Darkness, with a New sub-Dungeon of "Moon Death Dragon" at Stamina: 3 and Battles: 5. So, it seems two difficulty indicators are Stamina and descriptors such as "Expert" and "Mythical". How can I tell when I'm ready for them?

Best Answer

Generally, when your first starting out, the special dungeons (depending on what they are) can be much harder, for beginners. Think of special dungeons as special events, which arent always available, and depending on time of the week or year, are available. Depending on what your starter monster was (your first Rare egg machine pull), the special dungeons can be harder or easier. We would have to know your rank and monster box to get an idea if your ready for the special dungeons. It would be wise to get an app called "padguide" It gives you info on dungeons, monsters, events, evo material for monsters and stuff. Think of it as the encyclopedia for the game. You may be ready for some of the earlier variations of the dungeons, such as int, and maybe even expert, if you look at the guide to see if you wont get 1 shotted, or can kill the monsters before that. Although, I would not recommend doing the mythical dungeons for a while, because they are pretty much all tough descends, and even if you do have barely 50 stamina, will be a waste if you arent ready yet.