DayZ 2012 – When Does Loot Respawn in DayZ?


In DayZ I'm checking a lot of the sites that people (on the internet) have recommended to me as having a high chance of spawning good weapons and loot, however most of the time I find nothing of interest, presumably because other people have gotten there first and taken all of the good stuff.

When will these loot piles "respawn" so I can pick up all the shiny toys that I see other players with?

Best Answer

The best loot guide around that I know is backed up with code snippets. The executive summary:

  • Each building is triggered individually, and has its own loot-spawn timer.
  • Loot spawns as soon as a player is closer than 120m but farther than 30m from the building. The building's loot spawn timer also starts then.
  • Every 10 minutes new loot will spawn if and only if there is a player in the 120–30m ring. A player in that ring will cause loot to spawn on the timer even if there is another player inside the 30m ring. If you're not inside that ring when the timer checks for a player, there will be no new loot.
  • Each spawn location in a building has a 50% chance to populate whenever spawning is triggered, so emptying loot spots helps.
  • Backpacks and ammo cases don't count when the code checks if there's already loot in a spot.
  • Bonus: Zombies spawn when a player enters a 200m circle.

For a pretty picture of the trigger ranges and the code snippets to back these up, read the full guide.

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