Path of Exile – When Does a Specific Encounter Spawn and When Doesn’t It?


I'm farming Syndicate in Ossuary. I'm trying to find all possible hints that Syndicate won't spawn this time to restart the map asap. I know that they won't appear if there is mission for some other master (Eihnar, Niko or Alva) on the map already. But is there something else?

What are conditions when Syndicate encounters won't spawn?

I'm playing Synthesis Softcore league on PS4 if it matters.

Best Answer

Based on the description of Betrayal integration into the core game, I expect you to have master encounters in 32% of Ossuary instances, so that Syndicate encounters will make up 8% of Ossuary instances. They should be random. In maps, you have Zana as another master, making up master encounters in 40% of maps, 8% being Syndicate encounters.

When a map instance contains Syndicate encounters, it will deterministically contain three encounters: one Intervention, one Research, and a pick of Transportation or Fortification. When a pre-map instance contains Syndicate, it will contain a single encounter.

Depending on your hardware setup, you may or may not see higher instance loading times in instances with Syndicate encounters. This effect should be more pronounced in patch 3.6.3d, when Betrayal assets are forcibly preloaded.

However, this effect is unreliable at best, and you will likely be more effective if you just search the instance with a fast movement skill.