Overwatch – When Does Genji Climb and Stop Climbing?


So far Genji's climb ability was quite inconsistent for me, sometimes he climbs high, sometimes he just stops, takes his hands from a wall for no reason and starts falling back.

This video illustrates it: http://imgur.com/IplQbVP I always do the same thing: double jump, then press and hold Space+Forward, sometimes the character climbs for 1 meter, sometimes just for 10 centimeters…

So what are exact conditions, which should be satisfied so Genji can climb?

Best Answer

Genji and Hanzo can climb walls for a set duration or until they reach a ledge. In your video on King's Row, the ledge on the wall is interrupting your climb, but detection is a little inaccurate so it ends up being inconsistent.

The speed at which you're climbing might also influence the detection in some way, so you might climb past small ledges if you start right below them, but not if you start from further down.

If you started climbing the wall from above that ledge, you should have no trouble getting to the top.