When installing Runescape: “Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid”


I was trying to install a game that used to play when I was young, Runescape.
I didn't enjoy the new version of that, so I tried to download the oldschool Runescape. Happens that after the download, every time I try to install the game I get this error:

enter image description here

Does anybody know what should I do to get over this error?

Update: I followed your comments and updated my Java, still got the error when I try to install the game, but now I'm already able to play it online in Mozilla Firefox.

Best Answer

Try to change all your language settings to English (dates, system, etc...). This worked for me and I could install it.

After some investigations, I tried to install the client via command-line using -verbose to log what is wrong. Apparently, it does some stuff that requires a transformation ID which is language-dependent.

You can also use RsBuddy.