When is a Store’s Inventory Determined


When is the inventory of a Store set?

  • at the beginning of the sector
  • right before the store is visited
  • some other time

Will visiting the same store multiple times offer different buy options or more fuel/missles/drones?

Best Answer

Inventory is determined when you first arrive at the store node

The store inventory is generated when you jump to the store node on the map. Revisiting a store node that you've already visited will not change the inventory of that store.

I tested this by doing the following

  • Start the game
  • Proceed until you see a "store" node
  • Save and exit
  • Go to My Documents\My Games\fasterthanlight and make a copy of continue.sav
  • Start the game
  • Visit the store
  • Exit the game
  • Restore continue.sav
  • Start the game
  • Visit the store

On the first visit I got a store containing the following;

enter image description here

On the second visit I got a store containing the following;

enter image description here

Since these two inventories are different, and my save was from before visiting the node, the store must be generated as you visit the node.