When is information transmitted in a Streetpass


When is the information passed during a streetpass?

Two hypothetical people pass each other on the street, and 'streetpass' each other. At the moment their 3ds's link up, is the information then passed, or is it possible that only a name is passed and the information is later downloaded once you are connected to the internet via wifi?

I ask because I got a streetpass today with no one around. I figure I had streetpassed a few minutes earlier and it was delayed, or it was as I proposed above.

Best Answer

When the 3DS systems connect, all of the data that is going to be shared, is shared at that moment in the quick burst of data exchanged. Normally the light kicks on after a data exchange, but I've seen it lag at times. I'm not sure why. I've also had it not light up at all after a data exchange. I'm not sure what the contributing factors are in each case.

Mind you, you can also pick up street passes from Nintendo Zone hotspots. So some Starbucks, McDonalds, Best Buy and others... can give you up to 6 StreetPasses. I've gotten StreetPasses just going through a McDonalds drive through.

It could be something else though. The system uses standard 802.11 for communications which can have a range of as much as 200ft indoors and 800ft outdoors based on the strength of the signal.

If you want way more technical detail about this you can read this page which has a full breakdown of the network activity.