When is the right time to use the DMR and the Battle Rifle


Halo 4 has both the DMR (see in Halo: Reach) and the Battle Rifle (first appeared in Halo 2, firing three-burst shots) and for the first time they both appear in the same game, avalible as a primary weapon in choosing your loadouts for multiplayer. However, which one should be used? I get the impression that the DMR is suited for medium-long range, while the Battle Rifle is for short-medium combat, but when I go into combat against someone with a DMR when using a Battle Rifle I always tend to lose.

The Halo 4 Strategy guide says the Battle Rifle is an "instant hit" weapon, so does this count against me for the "slower" bullets of the DMR?

Best Answer

This depends on a few factors:

  • Range
  • Your skill
  • Enemy's skill

The DMR is more accurate at long-range, but the Battle Rifle is easier to use due to the burst fire.

Chances are if someone is beating you at mid-to-close range with the DMR, they are pretty skilled with it. The single-shot nature of the gun makes it (normally) more difficult to use at close range.

If you find yourself losing often to the DMR at close range, I'd consider switching to it and seeing if you can't master it. Granted, you'll probably see a performance drop for a while, but if you can nail every headshot as fast as you can fire with the DMR, you'll win.