When optimizing for coins, should I stock the 3-coin items first or the 1-coin items


Each business has items that sell for 1, 2, and 3 coins. The more coins they sell for, the longer it takes to stock.

If I want to optimize to get the most money possible, should I stock the 1-coin items or the 3-coin items first?

If I stock the 1-coin items first, then it will get stock on the floor quickly, but if I stock the 3-coin items first, then I'm making more money from the stock even though it takes longer and the store won't be making money during that time.

Best Answer

You always want to do from most expensive to least. First of all, what that guy said is nonsense. The stock sells either way, so even if you are checking constantly, you would still be making money off of the stock. Now here is the real reason:

Since the largest items last the longest on the shelves, stocking from highest to lowest will make it easier to fully stock the entire store, giving you coin and bux benefits.

So yah, always 3 to 1