I want to play with a friend in Saints Row 3, but he's at a different part of the plot missions than I am. If I save my game while playing in his lobby, do I get credit for having finished the missions we co-op'ed, even though I haven't gotten as far as he has? If I go back and play alone, can I start the story missions over where I was?
What about side missions and other progress? How is that tracked if I play the same save in both co-op and single player?
Best Answer
I did some research and asked the guys I co-op with. I determined the following:
You have separate garages, and a vehicle that came from your partner's garage can't be stored in your garage. (ie, if you steal a tank and put it in your garage, you can't then get the tank out and let him drive it to his garage to get a copy)
I finished the story missions in a co-op game, and I don't have the option to replay the final mission over again. I don't know if this is a local glitch or a problem with finishing the story in co-op, but I thought I'd add that as a note.